top view of medieval city

Category: Patch notes

Update 03/02/2025
Loot Changes: Necro reagents: Chunky Diamonds/Rubies/Sapphires: Rare Ingots: Enchant materials: Forgotten Scrolls: Treasure Maps: Rare Tubes:

Update 21/11/2024
General Changes and New Features Character Balance Abhorsen Hierophant Ranger Rogue Druid Rewarders Tamable Pets – Balance Tamable Pets – AI Summons Events Race BR Arenas Bug Fixes Hotfixes Already Applied

Update 8/10/2024
Guild Adjustments Tamed Pets Have New Behavior Launching Forgotten Realms

Update 7/9/2024
Updates and Fixes Abhorsen

Update 1/8/2024
fix: Calculations for distributing experience points (EXP) to the guild. fix: Skills can now be trained up to 120%. fix: Calculating skill failure rate when affected by a debuff for skills above 100%. fix: Behavior of Cultist Assassin (an NPC…

Update 1/7/2024
Download through Google Drive. Features Changes Fixes

Update 4/6/2024
Footnote: As part of preparations for Shadow Realm and Forgotten Realms, we have adjusted the behavior of ~180 events related to transitioning between realms. In before these adjustments, test runs encountered events straight out of Harry Potter: doors moving to different locations, monsters disappearing before our eyes, and occasionally a player ending up in Hogwarts, […]

Update 18/4/2024
Corrected false statements about unpaid rent. Morph duration is in the buff bar now. You can no longer fish out SOS bottles in the guard zone (bug fix).

Update 7/4/2024
Paladin's aura Repentance no longer works with ranged and throwing weapons. Mass Curse now requires a clear line of sight to target. Modified visual effect on .frenzy. In arenas, it will no longer be possible to exchange and loot bandages.…